"All children are born artists," said Picasso.
The problem is we grow out of it - or more often we're educated out of it, as we grow up. We educate kids progressively from the waist up, then we concentrate on the head and slightly to one side.
Does creativity equal academic ability ?
All intelligence tests are geared on the basis that academic ability equals intelligence. In fact, intelligence is a much broader thing. Creativity should have the same status as literacy, but it doesn't. Most adults are creatively illiterate through no fault of their own.
Why teach Mathematics every day to everyone, but not Dance ?
Why not ? We all have bodies.
Possibly worse than no creative education is an ill-informed kind of art teaching.
Well-meaning advice sets up barriers to authentic expression.
>>> That's a nice picture ! What's it supposed to be ? <<<
>>> Don't take art unless you're going to be an artist. <<<
The trouble with cheap, specialized education is that you never stop paying for it.
Loads of folks freeze up at the chance to express themselves creatively in a genuine way, because of what they've been taught, either by omission, or implication --- This is the way to make art.
If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything creative. When they don't know, kids will take a chance. That's natural learning, unless they meet with enough failure to humiliate them out of reaching with their natural intelligence.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge," said Albert Einstein. "Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
Too much observation of subject matter can change a creative event from one of spirit to one of mere rendering. Surprise, chance, illusion, personality, audacity, confidence and desire are drown by an overload of knowledge.
The best thing about human beings is their resilience.
Just think: Shakespeare was in somebody's English class. Rembrandt studied art under somebody. It boggles the mind.
If you were one of the creatively wounded as a child, take heart !
Do you make a joke of your inability to draw a straight line ? Would you like to surrender up this past garbage you've been saddled with, and start to recover your birthright ?
Here's something you can do right now on your own to start using the talents you possess.
>>> Schedule some self time alone, for dinking around.
>>> Go outside on a hunt, with nothing special in mind, gazing at natural things with soft eyes, until something calls out and grabs your attention. Never mind why, just nab it.
>>> Keep collecting things which seem to want to be found, until you have a half dozen or so.
>>> Take them to a place which just feels right to you, and arrange them where they seem at the right distance from one another, and each in the best location for itself. Don't make art or be clever or cute.
>>> Just keep moving the stuff around till you feel it's okay. You know what okay feels like - you breathe easily, your muscles are relaxed, your senses sharpen, you feel potent, safe, eager - OK.
That's it.
No big deal, no searching, tearing your soul for just the correct composition.
When you feel OK, it will be because -
You will feel how the outside of things look corresponds to how the inside of you feels.
What you're doing here is finding a way to naturally express in the world what is happening to you inside.
This is what art is about -
creating physical metaphors to represent events of the mind and heart.
Later, you might ask yourself these questions about your arrangement:
--- If you were to move one item closer to or farther from the others, would that be more "you" or less ?
--- If you removed any item from the group, what effect would that have on the whole piece ?
--- What would you do to change this work to be more the person you would like to be ?
It was Henry Van Dyke who said: "Use what talents you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best."
About the Author
Hello, I'm Celeste Varley and it is my passion to help people seeking spiritual development to find and explore their own inborn potential for visual expression. Once you learn a new way of seeing, you can access and express deeper feelings that are normally hidden. If this article speaks to your heart, you may want to see more "Fresh Horses" articles on my website. Check it out and see if it's right for you.
Celeste Varley
Discover, uncover & recover your wild creative potential!
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