Memory forms a vital aspect of any learning. Without memory all our learning will be a futile exercise. The capacity for remembering varies from people to people widely. There are some who are endowed with razor sharp memory, while others have very poor memory. Memory is more about how we use our faculty and can therefore be improved greatly. It basically involves application of the mind and can be vastly improved by using memory techniques. Some of these are:
1. If you can associate any new learning with your acquired learning you will have a greater grasp of the information learnt. You will be able to see the relation between certain principles, mechanism, truth or whatever, and see the link and the common thread running through them. This lends greater meaning and significance to the information learnt.
2. Studies have revealed that memory is augmented by using both sides of your brain. This is known as whole-brain thinking. The left side of our brain dominates in logic, words, lists, numbers, sequences and analysis, while the right side excels in rhythm, imagination, daydreaming, color, size and spatial awareness. Working on combining the left and right attributes will strengthen memory.
3. By paying proper and full attention, our understanding of the information enhances greatly.
4. You can try to visualize the information learnt by remembering in a sequence. The more bizarre, humorous, wacky and exaggerated the images are, the greater is your ability to recall.
5. You can make the main ideas or items of information interesting by weaving an unusual story. You can visualize the information as a moving sequence so the imagery is built strongly around it. This adds vividness and increases your recalling ability. For e.g., if you have to remember a poem, you can visualize the ideas contained in the poem so you have running image of the sequences. You will then be able to substitute images with the right words and know the flow of lines.
6. Acronym is a useful method that can be adopted for remembering items in an order, or conveying the essence of information. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs) is a popular slogan of Karl Marx' economic principles. You can remember this as FEAA to EAToN.
7. Chunking is another technique employed for remembering numbers and ideas. For e.g., you can remember 15 nos. by splitting into three units of 5 each. You can also chunk items under a general concept - Fruits, Vegetables, Games, Birds, etc.
Apart from these, a much neglected but a very powerful technique for reinforcing learning and memory is Mindmapping. It is a technique that is primarily based on the information processing principles of the brain. It uses non-linear texts, parallel processing, and other mnemonics such as images, colors, etc., which is the way in which we recall and remember events.
The intrinsic worth of this technique is that it induces whole-brain thinking by triggering a chain of associated thoughts and ideas. Since you jot down your thoughts or information, your full and focused attention is engaged in it. This further strengthens your memory. You have to learn and use the technique to know its real value.
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