I found years ago that I was made to do certain things. I am just naturally good at them. These actions are easy for me...they replenish me and they typically are my best works.
We all have these special areas in our lives. They are special for a reason. They were given so we could serve. They are natural so we would never get tired of doing them. We have a purpose and natural talents to get that purpose done. We just have to make the decision to use the talents in service...not just in personal gain.
What are you good at? What just comes natural to you? How has this shown up in your job / company /.....investments? Are you aware of it ?
What tugs on your heart ? What have you said "someone should do something" about?
What has happened in your life that you have always wanted to do something about?
You and I know that the resources are endless. There is more than enough money! But what about the volume of talent that is willing to serve ? Is that at more than enough ? NO !
Talent is abundant.....needs are abundant....yet the talent does not know what to do or how to do it. The active mentoring of talent to give and impact the community is at a shortage.
Talent can't stop producing...They need to be coached on how to best use their talent...and in the right capacity. So that they can keep thriving in their own lives.
Taking talent off point and pushing them into to much service is a mistake ! We need producers to keep thriving. There has long been errors in the coaching of great talent. The needy should not coach the producers.....ONLY experienced producers who have mastered giving properly should train other producers.
Having the wrong coach can set you back . If you are feeling the call to serve with your talent...seek out others in your field who have become great givers and servers....learn from them.
Quick story:
I always had a knack for real estate. I could just see things coming together and could pick hot potential sites. It has always been that way. I am not nor have I ever been a real estate agent ...or involved in real estate other than my own projects. I noticed it in high school..I would say thngs like that would be a great place for a strip mall or a car wash...etc.
I just saw the community and the area and could see certain businesses thriving based on needs I saw.
Others began to pick up on my natural talent and would ask me to look at a piece of land and tell em what I saw.
I began to see ways for me to use my talents in helping others ..who didnt have my skill but needed it. I met a man who had a gift in helping children heal from trauma. He had a gift in that area...yet was deficient in the financial and resource areas. He needed a small building ...for small offices to do counseling and storage area to have supplies to give to families that needed support.
I found a small piece of property......negotiated with the large company that owned it. I convinced them that giving the property to this mans program was the best advertising these family men could do. That the goodwill would be priceless. I also asked them to help me find a contactor who could build it for free! They did. Start to finish 17 months !
All in all it was awesome. But it all began with me using my natural talent. I saw this unused property for what it could be. Sold that idea to the owners and then cast the vision of how their influence could get a building built...and complete the launch of this childrens program.
I spent about 4 months networking the right people...maybe 2-3 meetings per week about 10 hours weekly. I did it in the cracks of time. Once the project was under way I just went by once or twice a month to say hi and see the progress. The feeling and lift I got from using my talents and really impacting this program are priceless.
It also cemented two very important new relationships in my life..that will lead to more.....???
What are your true talents? What could you do right now ?
Go for it! Find a coach and get the mentorship. Put your talents to work..serve !
Please email me on your adventures
Brantly Compton is a coach and author in the network marketing industry.
Since 1994 Brantly has been coaching and inspiring leaders to reach their personal freedom. See how we created over 1 million dollars of income within 90 days with 100 families !!!Brantly and his wife Lisa live in Nevada with their 4 boys.
Contact Brantly Direct : 1-888-886-1320
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