
Creative Imagination Is Not A Special Gift You Are Born With - It's A Faculty You Can Easily Develo (By Dennis Fisher)

To be the leader in your field you have to think more creatively than others. You have to use your creative imagination to think of original new ideas.

What is creative imagination?

Creative imagination is the ability to form mental images of
situations or conditions you have never actually experienced.
Your creative imagination is an untapped source of power
buried in your subconscious mind.

Creative imagination can be compared to the "Genie" in fairy
tales and myths. It is similar to a powerful force trapped in a bottle,
waiting to be released, ready to obey your every command.
It is a force everyone possesses but few know how to set free.

Creative imagination is a mental faculty and an important life skill.
But it is a skill most people neglect to develop. To achieve success in life and reach your full potential, it is a skill you should nurture and develop.

Creative imagination and inventions.

Many people are under the impression that the ability to use creative
imagination is a natural gift; an inherited talent.

They believe only people who are born with this gift are able to
become famous inventors, scientists and Nobel prize winners.
They feel creative imagination is the quality that distinguishes
a genius from ordinary mortals.

This is certainly not so.

Edison, one of the most successful inventors, regarded as a creative
genius by many, had an interesting comment to make about genius.

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration"

When Edison was asked to comment about his lack of success in
inventing an electric light bulb after having tired so many times, he
responded: "I have not failed but successfully discovered
6,000 ways that won't work!"

Thomas Carlyle, the famous Scottish philosopher and author
also believed that persistence was the most important quality in
in the achievements of people regarded as geniuses. He described "genius" very simply and very explicitly. "Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains"

The most perceptive observation with regard to genius was made by the renowned American psychologist and author, William James,
whose theories became the basis for the "behaviorism" school
of psychology. Williams James referred to "genius" in the following

"Genius...means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an inhabitual way"

Creative imagination is the capacity to view situations from a
completely different perspective. Or, as described by William James,
"in an inhabitual way".

It is the ability to ignore obstacles and visualize exciting opportunities
Your creative imagination will enable you to recognize problems and
find innovative solutions to these problems; not allow yourself to be
overwhelmed and discouraged by them.

Creative imagination will help you remove the mental roadblocks
on your road to success.

Is creative imagination a faculty that can be developed? Certainly!

There are techniques you can learn that will result in an incredible improvement in your ability to think more creatively.

To learn more about these unusual and innovative methods go to

Dennis Fisher is managing director of financial and investment Companies. In addition to his involvement in many different fields of business, his interests include an in-depth study of various schools of practical psychology with special emphasis on improving one's ability to think more creatively and come up with original ideas.

To find out more about powerful techniques that will enhance creative power go to his website:

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