
The Secret To Free Your Creative Process (By Richard Blackstone)

Spirituality information tells us to use the law of attraction to create our desires. Doing this consciously advances your spiritual growth exponentially. Use your God like powers of creation to create the life of your dreams.

We are free to "be" whomever we choose to "be" in any given moment. That is the beauty of this life we have chosen when we entered the physical universe. We have free will to do as we please without retribution from the source from which we came.

Unfortunately, the same does not hold true when it comes to our fellow humans. Humans are the only species that hold other beings of their own species accountable for their actions through devices they make up for the purposes of control.

All other species allow nature to let them just "be" whatever it is that they are.

Nature provides natural consequences for our actions that are in alignment with the healing nature of the universe. Humans are the only species that require man-made consequences for our actions in an effort to "control" people. These devices have proven themselves to not only be ineffective but also detrimental to the natural order of how things work.

These man-made laws all stem from the basic fear-based belief system of separation. When you are separate from your source, you buy into the belief that there is something you need that the source cannot provide. This basic fallacy is the domino that begins to topple the other fear-based dominoes of failure, disunity, insufficiency, requirement, judgment, condemnation, conditionality, superiority and ignorance.

It is this belief in a separation from the source of all that is that distances us from the reality of who we really are. It never severs us from the fact that who we really are is a spirit child of God. But it can distance us so far away from this fact as to cause the illusion that we are a separate being unto ourselves.

The ultimate truth is that you can never be anything but who you really are no matter how distanced you are from that or how deep into the illusion of separation you choose to mire yourself. All that is ever needed to reunite with your true beingness is the desire, the thought and the choice to pursue that re-memberance.

You can then truly re-member yourself. That is, become a member once again of who you really are. A spirit child of the source of everything that is. It's all part of the process. It is all part of the never-ending process called life or love or God. They are all the same.

This is all a wonderful game and it never ends. The game is eternal, just like you. If you don't experience all that you desire in this lifetime, don't worry about it. The game goes on and so do you.

If there is something that you truly desire to experience and you want to experience it in this particular body, during this particular time here on earth, then don't waste any more time. Just choose it and bring it into your reality via the creative process of thought, word and deed.

The process of creation is thought, word and deed and you have experienced this process throughout your life. The only thing holding you back from experiencing your innermost desires is you. Nobody else controls your thoughts, words and deeds except you.

Go within yourself and tap into the reservoir of authentic power that resides within all of us. We are all in the eternal process of experiencing in the physical plane all that God knows as concepts in the absolute plane. That is the purpose of our existence. Isn't that a simple concept?

How hard is it to think thoughts about what it is that we truly desire? Isn't that a simple concept?

How hard is it to speak and write the words that express those thoughts we truly desire and have the power to change our lives. We are speaking and writing all the time anyway. Maybe now it is time to do it consciously with the intention of bringing into our lives what we truly desire by putting our attention on it. Isn't that a simple concept?

How hard is it to do the deeds that are in alignment with your intentions and desires? You are always doing things during your day anyway so now make the conscious choice to take action on the thoughts about your highest vision and start creating that vision into your reality.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.NutsandBoltsSpirituality.com

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