
Unleash Your Creativity - How To Resurrect Your Creativity This Weekend (By Dan Goodwin)

How long have you been frustrated with your level of creativity?

Maybe you’ve virtually written off your creative life as a thing of the past, something you now only look back on with the fondness and nostalgia of a child remembering their favourite TV shows when they were growing up?

Well it doesn’t have to be this way... Whatever you may think, you haven’t forgotten how to be creative.

Maybe you’re out of practice a little, but that’s all. We’re all born creative and we’ll all die just as capable of being creative. It’s whether we put those creative talents to use that’s the crucial part in between.

So, to show you that it’s NOT too late to unleash your creativity once more, here’s a 3 step technique to help your resurrect your creativity this weekend:

Step 1. You know how to be creative.

The first step is about getting you in touch with the belief that you are creative. Put at least 15 minutes aside for this, preferably 30 or more.

Find somewhere quiet where you’re going to be undisturbed and a pen and some paper.

Write at the top of a sheet: “Yes I am creative. Here’s the evidence:”

Then underneath list all the things you can think of that show your creativity. And before you complain that you haven’t been creative since, oh around 1857, stop and think. Break it down into different areas. Here’s some examples:

10 ways I’m creative at home are ____________________________________

I’m creative at work in how I ________________________________________

My proudest creative achievement is __________________________________

My next 5 favourite creative achievements are __________________________

People say I’m creative in the way I __________________________________

And so on. Keep writing ALL the things you can think of, how ever insignificant you think they are. The more you write, the more you’ll think of.

Step 2. From small beginnings...

Now you have a great list of evidence that you CAN be creative. It’s time to put that into action once more. Set aside 15 minutes for this step.

Every major creative achievement began with a tiny twinkle of an idea in someone’s eye. Your favourite books, music, designs, paintings, all began in the same way.

So, again take your pen and paper and jot down some ideas you’d like to explore in your favourite creative format over the next few weeks. Just sketches, just outlines. You might write a few ideas that you’ve had for a long time, and you might add others that come to you as you’re writing. Whatever’s presented to you in your mind, write it down, and keep writing it down for the period of 15 minutes.

Step 3. Developing the creativity habit.

Now you have a boost in confidence for realising actually you’ve created far more- and therefore you’re far more creative - than you realised.

And in step 2, guess what? Yep, you got creative again! You now have a list of ideas you’d like to explore over the coming weeks.

For step 3, you’re going to put the framework in place for creative habits that’ll enable you to create whatever you want.

Pick a small creative project from your ideas list, don’t spend ages deliberating, just go with the first that excites you. Put the rest of the list away somewhere safe.

Now, write this down and place it somewhere prominent:

I commit to spending at least 15 minutes a day at (state a time of day) on (write your new creative project here) for the next 7 days.

Decide NOW when you’re going to spend the 15 minutes, and make it the same time each day, don’t go through every day trying to work out when you can “squeeze it in”, that doesn’t work!

Congratulations! Your creativity is back in business!

Forming creative habits is the only way to be consistently creative and reach your creative potential. Follow the plan above in step 3 and in just a week’s time your new creative habit will be well on the way to becoming engrained, and creating will become as natural as sleeping and walking...

Want to learn more about how to increase YOUR creativity?

I invite you take the next step by getting your FREE copy of my “Explode Your Creativity!” Action Workbook. With it you also get a free subscription to “Create Create!” – my twice monthly ezine with articles, tips and exercises to help you be more creative.

Head on over now to http://www.CoachCreative.com

From Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin

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