Creative visualization is a powerful tool to help you improve every area of your life. You use it everyday, whether you are conscious of it or not. With proper knowledge and effective execution. You can use creative visualization to a very successful extent in your life.
Health, success, money, happiness and possessions can be gained through creative visualization. Not everything will change overnight, work is required. Change in the way your think is required if you want to see a change in your actual situation. Having an open mind and ability to concentrate is crucial in creative visualization. Very often , we are our own enemy. We allow of past failures and regrets to limit our ability to achieve greater heights of success in our lives.
Thought is powerful and it has effect on the material world. If we consistently think of the same thought, Over time people around us will perceive it and act on it, whether in a conscious or unconscious manner. Thought is energy. They induce some kind of pressure on the energy fields around us, causing them to move and act. The thoughts change the balance of energy around us, and in a natural way bring changes in the environment in accordance with them.
Imagine yourself holding a check. Feel it’s texture with your fingers. Involving all the five senses. Visualize yourself going to the bank and depositing the check. Imagine what you can do with this money. Feels it’s presence and benefits, the joy of receiving it. Do not worry about who gave it to you, or how you’re going to get it. Leave out the process, focus on the result. This way the subconscious mind accepts it as a fact and not the hindrances. It is important to note and convince yourself that what you have achieve is through harmonious means and everyone involved benefited from your gain.
Believe in the abundance of the universe. Your gain can come through various channels. Be it in a form of a present, winning at the lottery, business deal, a new job, a good investment in shares or stocks etc. Do not restrict you mind to a fixed pattern. The possibilities and channels are endless. Your visualization is limitless.
Rene ng has been in internet marketing since 2005. He has written many articles pertaining to online marketing and self improvement. He is active in the online scene and currently does affiliate marketing for a living.
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