If you are trying to regain your creativity, there are some simple methods you can use. If you don't have a lot of free time, you can still do this. It only takes a little time while in a positive state of mind in order to magnify your creativity. This will bring a sense of joy to every part of your life. Lots of people go through their lives without ever thinking about creativity. The every day things get in the way. Even if you do find the time, where's the energy going to come from to accomplish this? It's always best to go with what works for you personally. There certainly is no wrong way to do this. The following ideas are just some of the methods known to work for others and are completely adjustable to you. Tapping into your creativity can be done just by getting focused. That's a good place to start.
First, have you ever really looked at the people and things around you? People and things are just background noise to most of us as we go through our day to day life. We get so focused on what we are doing and where we are going and how things affect us that another perspective just gets lost. Can you try to see from a different angle? Try for a while every day, just a few minutes at a time to actually look at what is around you. Did the lady at the checkout give you a brilliant smile? How about in the late evening as the sun is setting, have you noticed how the tops of clouds are actually pink? Can you smell your beautiful garden that you worked so hard on? How about the busy little ants at the corner of the walkway? Get in close and invite yourself into their scurrying for just a moment. You will be amazed at how much more you can see than you ever thought.
Secondly, let's talk about that rut we all tend to fall into. It's always a good idea to try new things. When we do the same thing day after day, we stop noticing what's in the world. Have you ever pulled into your parking space at work and wondered how you got there? You are definitely on cruise control at that point and I'm not talking about the car. Things become such a habit that we forget that there are other ways to live and look at life. Make a pact with yourself that you will try something new once at week at the very least. Go to a different shopping mall, take the scenic route to work, eat at that quaint little restaurant you keep meaning to visit. In order to shake up your awareness, you have to create a new way of doing things.
The third way to bring your creativity to the forefront is to see inspiration and creativity in as many things as possible. I was completely fascinated as a child with how people came up with inventions and with stuff we all use every day. I have this nifty little gadget that I use to seal a 2 liter cola bottle. It keeps the cola fresh and carbonated. Now how neat is that? Who would have thought up something like that little handy tool? Do you have something in your home that you think could be made easier to use? Can you improve on the function? You don't have to rush out and apply for patents or start an inventors club. This is just another way of creative thinking.
Keep an open mind and look for those ideas that are a positive influence on your creativity. Try to squeeze in more reading time, more time to learn new things, and stay open to all the possibilities that may come your way.
Robin Skeen
Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and her website contains her reflections on inspired personal growth - transforming body, mind and spirit so you can live your best life NOW! To find out more, visit today. Free reports and eBooks are added on a regular basis.
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