Aaron Gayden is a top-flight musician and composer. Not long ago we discussed what it means to be creative, where it comes from, and how we sometimes fall into what's called "the creative wilderness". For Aaron, myself, and many others, it can sometimes be caused by external factors. Things like working on a marriage, paying a mortgage and making sure our kids are okay and safe can put creative stuff on the backburner.
Unfortunately, sometimes it isn't enough to compose brilliant and beautiful music or string together words that tap into someone's emotional center. Sometimes you just have to pay the bills.
Real life can intrude hard and fast into the golden halls of our creative dreams. Sometimes the muse just isn't there. Occasionally personal dramas come into play (c'mon, we all have them). It's tough to concentrate when in the midst of "intense fellowship". Sometimes, as has been the case with Aaron and I from time to time, a new direction is in order but the compass isn't working. We're waiting for The Call.
The Call is a vital and sublime message that, when heard, supersedes all else except God, marriage and children. When it's heard and followed, life becomes turbocharged with purpose, passion and excellence. When it's not there, or it's somewhere out there in the fog as a vague outline or an unintelligible murmur, life can become a dreary struggle. A spark of life is missing, making our experience of life incomplete.
What can we do when we're caught in the creative wilderness? Here are some fundamentals to adhere to that will bring The Call a little closer to home:
1. Keep working. Continue to write, compose, play music, market, sell, lead...whatever it is that you do to give expression to your creative spirit. The Call will never come if you stop working.
2. Avoid "Negaholics". You need positive influences. Avoid negative people at all costs. First, negativity can suppress creativity. Second, you become who you hang-out with. Associate with positive people...and put the negative ones on hold.
3. Reach out. Surround yourself with people you like and trust. Talk to other creative types. Seek help and guidance from others in your field, or from those in other creative fields. You'll find that all of us have been in the wilderness before...and there's a way out.
4. Read. No matter what field you're in, reading is a stimulus that kick starts the brain. Reading is interactive. It causes the imagination to work. It also opens the receptors of your brain to receive important creative messages.
5. Let go of expectations. Many times we get stuck because we're holding onto outcomes. Let them go. When you do, you free yourself to create for creation's sake...and that's when you do your best work. When you do your best work, doors open. When doors open, The Call is typically on the other side.
6. Connect with God. Prayer is a communication with something/somebody higher than yourself. It's an integral part of creating. To seek the assistance of something far greater than myself is not only wise, but ultimately productive. A Calling is something greater than yourself. With the help of a higher power you are entirely capable of hearing and following your unique Call...and you're capable of creating your own Sistine Chapel or composing your own great symphony.
Every creative person will enter the Creative Wilderness from time to time. It's a natural occurrence. Don't worry. In fact, knowing that your next Big Idea is waiting for you in the clearing beyond the wilderness can empower you to let the Creative Wilderness do its job.
Think of the Creative Wilderness as a place of incubation...a resting place. A laboratory. It will be most productive if you follow the six recommendations listed in this article. So, if you do find yourself in the wilderness...be happy. Breakthrough is right around the corner.
(c) 2008 James Phelps Creative
Coach, consultant and copywriter, James Phelps, is the creator of "Practical Creativity: The Complete System for Powering-Up Your Creativity for Unrecognizable Results". To learn more about this step-by-step program, and to receive his FREE how-to articles and other resources, visit http://www.See-Create.com
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