Do you have any idea of who you really are?
There are those of you who say, “I know who I really am. I am Joe Six-pack and I am an accountant. I have a wife and two children and I own a home in Pleasantville, USA.” If this is how you answer the question of who you really are, then you are unconscious. Anyone who feels they have no control over things that happen in their lives is unconscious. Anyone who can't seem to sustain a relationship, even though they would say they bend over backwards to keep it going, is unconscious. Anyone who works hard at a job they hate and dreads going into work every day, is unconscious. If you are disgusted by the sight of a panhandler looking for a handout, you are unconscious. Anybody who feels that if they just had more money they would be happy, is unconscious.
You are unconscious if the guiding thoughts in your life are that it is you against the world and you have to look out for yourself because nobody else will. You are unconscious if you think you are better than those with whom you have a relationship. You are unconscious if you think you are inferior to those with whom you have a relationship. You are unconscious if you feel unworthy of what life has to offer, or are jealous of those who seem to have no trouble reaping life's bounty.
Living your life unconsciously doesn't mean you are sleeping. Living your life unconsciously means that you are sleepwalking. You are sleepwalking through life because you are not aware of the unbelievable (actually, totally believable when you are awake) powers you possess. Sleepwalkers aren't aware of their power because they are always looking for it outside of themselves.
When you are conscious and live with awareness, you understand that the power you possess can only be found by looking inside. Your authentic power lies within you. You carry it with you wherever you go and it can never be lost. But in order to use it you have to be aware of it. You have to be conscious of it. If you are an unconscious sleepwalker, you don't even know about this power, much less be able to use it.
The key to living your life fully is to wake up to “who you really are” and thereby becoming aware of the authentic power you possess. This awakening will make you remember who you really are. You will remember you are more than just this human body who is doing things. You will remember that you are this human being who is being ideas, concepts, and experiences. When you wake up you will understand that this one concept alone can change the way you view the world, and the way you live your life. It is not what you are doing that is important. It is what you are being that is important.
When you wake up you will come to realize that beingness creates doingness. You will come to understand that you don't do happy. First you be happy and then you do happy things. In the world of the sleepwalker, things are the other way around. As a sleepwalker, you place extreme value on what you do. You are always doing this and doing that in an attempt to master your persona and your environment. When you wake up you find that your “beingness” is your persona and you learn to work in harmony with being one with your environment to the benefit of all.
As a sleepwalker you believe in the concept that life is a struggle, and if you work hard enough and keep your nose to the grindstone you will reap your rewards, if not by the end of your life, then surely in heaven. When you wake up you realize that life is effortless and you don't need to struggle and worry. You need only to be. You realize that you are rewarded every day by your mere existence and beingness.
When you are a sleepwalker you believe that the events and experiences of your life just happen to you, and you react to these events by using your memory to decide how you choose to act. When you wake up you realize that you create all the events and experiences in your life. You realize that you don't need to rely on your memory to make present moment decisions. You put meaning, in the present moment, to your actions in order to fulfill the intention of your creations. You can only do this when you are conscious and aware.
When you are sleepwalking you are so deeply mired in your day-to-day existence that you can't step back and observe what's going on from the perspective of the big picture. You live in the microcosm of a narrowly defined environment that you must control and manipulate to your benefit. When you wake up you are able to observe what is going on in your life from a more detached perspective. It is from this perspective that you can see how the choices you make affect what shows up your life. You can see that by working on your decision-making process and your present moment choices, you can deal more effectively with the events and experiences of your life.
When you are sleepwalking you are constantly judging the events, people and experiences of your life as good or bad. You accept these judgments as dominating factors in your decision-making process and hold on to these judgments forever in your memory as beliefs. You then use these beliefs when you react to a present-moment experience without really analyzing whether your belief is reflective of the truth of the moment. Judgments that are “good” are acceptable and judgments that are “bad” are condemned. When you wake up you realize it makes no sense to judge things as right or wrong, good or bad.
The events, experiences and things that happen are only that-events, experiences and things that happen. When you are conscious and aware you can observe these events, experiences and things that happen, and instead of judging them, you merely discern if they are serving you or not. An event is not good or bad, in and of itself. It is merely an event. Does it serve you? If it does, then choose it and use it. If it does not, then choose again from the infinite number of conscious choices available to you.
If you want to live your life believing that you have no choice about what happens in your life, continue to “Be a Sleepwalker. If you want to live your life believing that you have an infinite variety of choices available to you in any given moment, then you will wake up to your true authentic self. The choice is yours.
Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at:
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