How does creativity relate to business? One of the most famous quotes of Einstein is when he said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Einstein was putting value on creativity. His theories and ideas were all about creativity. When he made a box car for his son out of shoe string and some boxes; that was creativity. When he was down and out and needed money and posted an ad for tutoring lessons; that was creativity in making money.
Since Einstein accomplished some of the greatest thoughts of our time, an argument could be made that he was one of the most creative people of all time. You can know more about your product than anyone and have more degrees than anyone you know, but if you don't have a little bit of creativity to take advantage of what you do have, then it is useless. Credentials and knowledge will do you little good if you lack the creativity to take advantage of them.! So you may ask yourself, "What is creativity?" Einstein said, "CREATIVITY is seeing what others see and THINKING what no one else has thought." Robert Kennedy said the same thing this way, "I look at things that are and I ask why? I look at things that never were and ask why not?" Robert Kennedy was talking about creativity, just as Einstein was. So how do you apply it? How do you model the creativity in today's business?
Let us Take Your Sales copy
People go online to search for information related to a problem they have. Your keyword research will show you exactly which problem your market is trying to solve and the specific phrases they're using to describe it.
You have to show visitors your site offers a solution to their problem.
That's why you need a large, easy-to-read, very clearly defined headline at the top of your site. It should be the first thing people see when they arrive at your site, and it needs to present their problem and promise a solution in a bold way.
For Instance:
If you discover that your market is mostly looking for information on how to cope with memory problems during pregnancy, a creative headline might be something like this:
• "Pregnancy is a magical experience you'll want to remember for the rest of your life. But if you don't keep a record of your experience, you're at risk of losing those precious memories forever!"
• "It's a known fact that when you're pregnant, your memory is AWFUL, due to all the crazy hormonal changes your body is experiencing. If you don't write your experiences down, you'll forget them -- and never be able to recapture them."
• "Your body is going through amazing changes right now... and you need to keep track of them! The "While You Were Waiting" pre-birth journal makes it easy for you record important medical information that will help you AND your baby for years to come."
• "It's not just for you -- it's for your baby. It helps answer their most important questions, "Who am I?" "Where do I come from?"
• "Imagine sitting with your child one day and sharing the story of their pre-birth life with them. It's the beginning of the relationship, an essential part of the bonding process with your unborn child."
Note that these phrases all talk about your product in terms of its BENEFITS and not its FEATURES.
In your sales copy, you also need to explain who and why you are the perfect person to offer this product.
For example, were you ever pregnant? Did you suffer from horrible "pregnancy brain" and worry that you would lose precious memories? A story like this will show your visitors that you can relate to their problem, and will make you more credible. Also, you have to include testimonials on your page! People need to see real words from real people, explaining how your product has made their lives better. You can easily get testimonials by giving your product away for free to friends and acquaintances or people you meet online, at forums, blogs, or chat groups. Simply send them a copy and ask for some feedback in exchange.
Finally, your copy needs to include a strong call to action that compels your visitors to buy.
It should restate your main benefits and emphasize the urgency. This is an example of creativity in marketing
A good way to help your creativity is to read. That is right, read.
You see when you read your subconscious mind is automatically creating pictures whether you like it or not. So develop a passion for reading and watch your creativity increase
You can purchase this best seller "Believe the Dream" at
Emmanuel Sodipo is a consultant managing several successful online businesses you can download a Free book at
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