We’re all born creative. It comes naturally to us, as does being inquisitive and curious about the world around us.
We want to explore, to question, to play, to learn and to make stuff. All the core elements of being highly creative.
Then, unfortunately, over time most of us grow up and lose sight of that carefree spontaneous creativity we had as a young child.
We start to believe “I can’t create like I used to”, “My creativity dried up long ago”, or even “Maybe I was never creative anyway”...
When we think and say these kind of things to ourselves, it reinforces the belief.
Each time we have the thought “I’m not creative”, it makes us a little bit more sure that we’re not creative.
The belief gets a little stronger.
But it IS only a belief. That’s the crucial point.
We act according to what we believe about ourselves.
Our patterns of behaviour follow our beliefs as surely as a dog’s tail follows its body.
Fact is unchangeable, reality, truth. It’s just what is, we can’t do anything to alter that.
But our beliefs are not so set in stone. We can CHOOSE what we believe. And we can choose which beliefs to let go of, which ones no longer serve us and the person we want to be.
Ultimately, it’s down to choice. YOUR choice.
YOU choose whether you allow yourself to use your creativity. You haven’t forgotten how to create, anymore than you haven’t forgotten how to breathe or to eat or to walk.
Creativity is embedded in you, it can’t ever be removed. It’s up to you whether you choose to acknowledge it’s there.
When you say “I’m not creative”, what you actually mean is “I’m not ALLOWING myself to be creative”.
Saying “I can’t create” disempowers you. It removes all control. It makes you a powerless object with no free will, like a tiny pebble on a beach at the mercy of the ocean’s tides.
Change this statement – “I can’t create” – instead to “I don’t create”. Notice how different that feels now. Take it a step further and say: “I choose not to create”.
Say it out loud a few times: “I choose not to create”.
How does that feel?
The simple act of just changing what you tell yourself from "I can't create” to “I don’t create” and then “I choose not to create" returns the power and control to you.
Now it logically follows that if you choose NOT to create, you can just as easily choose TO create.
So there’s your new belief: “I choose to create”.
Just say the words out loud a few times and notice what it difference that makes. It’s a simple choice, and most importantly it’s YOUR choice. And there’s never been a better time for you to make it.
The first step to rediscovering a life of creativity is to have strong guiding beliefs on place that tell you that you CAN be creative, and that you choose to be creative.
Don’t ever forget, that choice rests with you and you alone. Choose to create TODAY!
This is one effective technique to help you be more creative.
And I invite you to take the next step to being more creative today, by downloading your free copy of the powerful and practical "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook. Head over now to http://www.CoachCreative.com
From Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin
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